The First International Congress of the Society of Psychiatrists, Narcologists, Psychotherapists and Clinical Psychologists of the Republic of Moldova

    The first international mental health congress in the Republic of Moldova, will be held in Chișinău, between 27th -29th of June 2018.

    The theme of the first edition of the Congress is Mental health - a priority, a presence and a necessity of the contemporary society. It will address the major challenges and main aspects of mental health in all its complexity.

    The Congress will bring together psychiatrists, psychotherapists, researchers, narcologists, clinical psychologists, managers and policy makers. Also, the Congress will focus on developing the collaboration between specialists involved in the management, optimisation, research, treatment and education in the field of mental health, in advantage of the beneficiaries, the health services and of the population in general.

    The Congress will include a broad range of conferences, workshops and plenary sessions with participants from the Republic of Moldova and other countries, on such topics as psychopharmacology, adult and child psychiatry, biological psychiatry, community services, addictology, psychotherapy and others.


INFORMATION BOOKLET(<-- click to download)


Congress - Program (<-- click to download)



VENUE: Labour Institute, Zimbru 10 str., Chișinău
(Institutul Muncii, str. Zimbrului 10, Chișinău)